Ashana vom Rotkäppchenland is a female breeding dog of the kennel "von Rotkäppchenland" located in Germany. She is a G2 Tamaskan.
Avalon Witch Hazel, call name Ciri is a TDR-approved G1 Tamaskan Dog female residing in the USA, Michigan of Avalon Tamaskan.
Ayala vom Heide Tamaskan was born on November 3rd, 2017. She knew immediately who she wanted to move to and got her way. In January 2018 she moved in with her chosen two-legged friends and has been called Sephi since then. The life of the two-legged friends was turned upside down with this small, lively, bright mouse. On the one hand, Sephi had to go to work early, on the other hand, the young puppy was allowed to explore and get to know the whole world first. In April 2019 she passed the aptitude test to become a therapy dog and training began in autumn. A year later, Sephi was abl[...]
Basalt Lake Superior, callname Graph is a G1 Tamaskan female breeding dog. Basalt Tamaskan is a TDR-registered breeder in Michigan, USA. Basalt focuses on creating a line of recreational mushing Tamaskan.
Buccleuch Isle of Rassay, callname Rowan is a female Tamaskan TDR breeding dog since July 2023. She is G2 and located in the United States, Pennsylvania.
Dubhe del Bardial, call name "Yubbé," currently resides in Belgium, with kennel Les Tamaskans de la Vallée de la Lesse.
Enapay Sunkmanitu Tanka O'waci, call name "Lara," is an approved female G1 Tamaskan Dog out of Ayasha Sunkmanitu Tanka O'waci (Asha) and Czechoslovakian Vlcak Chatan des Gitans Noirs (Chatan). She was approved in April 2021, and resides in the Netherlands with kennel Wolf Dream.
Erza of Kaiza is a female breeding dog who is included in the Tamaskan breeding programme as an outcross. She is a Shikoku/Malamute/Irish Wolfhound/Grey Wolf/Siberian Husky mix and is handled by the Kaiza kennel. She is based in New Hampshire, USA.
Freba Del Bardial (Freba) is a TDR-approved G2 Tamaskan Dog female for the TDR Tamaskan Dog breeding program. She is located in Spain.