Congratulations to new stud dog Myrddin du Lignage (Myrddin) at Vargskuggans
Congratulations to Stoney Creek Tamaskan on their upcoming November litter out of White Elk Eriu (Kira) and Vargskuggans Varys (Fenrir)
A warm welcome to new breeder Timberline Tamaskan with their breeding female Hawthorne Zion (Kiera) in the USA!
Congratulations to Athena Mystic White Tamaska (Athena) at Avalon Tamaskan on her approval to breed!
Congratulations to Buccleuch Tamaskan on 2 successful TCI breedings with Lykos (Hawthorne Lynx) using frozen sperm from Atlas (BlaiddMon Drogo)
Congratulations to Tamaskan van de Wolvenweide for the arrival of their litter of 7 out of Kensi (Blanid Sunkmanitu tanka O’waci) and Foundation stud dog Deejay (Kadin of the First Triangle)
Fingers crossed for Black Forest Tamaskan’s planned upcoming litter out of Aira (Ayasha v. Malsfelder Berg) and Koda (Hawthorne Katiyana)
Congratulations to Aslaug (Chevalerie du Lignage) on becoming an approved stud for the TDR!
We’re pleased to announce new kennel FenDen, home of stud Vargskuggans Varys (Fenrir), in the USA!
A warm welcome to new kennel Jacy Nashoba in the Netherlands!