Congratulations to Gandalf du Lignage, call name “Tane-Nui,” for passing his health tests and becoming a registered TDR stud dog! Tane-Nui is a G1 Tamaskan Dog out of Blufawn Dolly Parton and Merlin of Ysengrin. He currently resides in Belgium, with TDR breeder Grey of Flanders.
Welcome to Braveheart Tamaskan, located in Pennsylvania, USA as our newest prospective breeder! They join us with their G2 female, Hawthorne Cappucino, out of Hawthorne Gates of the Arctic and Vargskuggans Clear Diamond, who is on her way to completing her health tests for the TDR breeding program!
A big welcome to Stoneage Firestarter, a.k.a. Flint, a 6-year old West Siberian Laika stud. Flint lives in Michigan, USA, and was sponsored by Timberline Tamaskan in Arizona, USA. Flint’s pedigree comprises both recently imported Russian lines as well as established USA bloodlines. He is an athletic, accomplished hunting dog on small furred game, and
River-Valley welcomed a little boy into their kennel on July 19, 2020. This pairing was via TCI between Vargskuggans Talisa (Eppin) and Hawthorne Badger (Django). Grow strong, little one!
Congratulations to Outback Tamaskans on their first TDR litter, the beautiful “Iditarod Trails” outcross litter! Marlie and Balto (Blufawn Glen Campbell) welcomed four boys and two girls into the world. This marks the second Tamaskan litter in Australia. Everyone is doing well!
Congratulations to Jantarowy Tamaskan, in Poland, on their outcross litter of three boys and four girls out of Slavic Wolves Atlantis Argia (Joko) and Aristo Jantarowa Wataha (Aristo)! These beautiful pups arrived on June 13, 2020. Puppies are still available. If interested, please contact Jantarowy.
A warm welcome to Captain America van de Veluwe, call name “Freud,” to the TDR as a fully approved stud dog! Freud also happens to be the TDR’s “Mr. 1000,” as the 1000th dog registered with the Tamaskan Dog Register. Freud resides at Buccleuch Tamaskan, in Pennsylvania, USA. Congratulations, Freud!
The TDR welcomes Hearts of Fire Tamaskan from the Netherlands, with their approved stud Weylyn Aodhaigh Wodan (Aiden) and approved female Abey vom Vechteufer (Abby)! Hearts of Fire is also registered with the NTC.
Congratulations to Slavic Wolves on their Bestiary litter! Out of Sylvaen Charcoal Sunset with Asgard vom Nordlicht, Slavic Wolves welcomed 7 male and 5 female Tamaskan Dogs to the world on June 2, 2020.
A warm welcome to Blue Ridge Tamaskan, located in Virginia, USA! Blue Ridge joins us with plans to breed in late 2020 or early 2021. Stay tuned!