Alegria Maeglin, callname Kai is a G1 Tamaskan TDR approved stud dog located in the Netherlands.
Anuk vom Vechteufer, callname Nuka is a TDR Tamaskan G2 stud dog. He is located in Germany.
Arcti Legned Pjotr, call name Kaiyu, is an outcross dog approved for the Tamaskan Dog Registry's breeding program. He is a West Siririan Laika. He is registered as a foundation dog. His kennel Arctic Legend / Legend of Flaxfield is located in the Netherlands.
Vincent is a well proportioned, long-legged stud dog. He is very gentle and amicable and friendly with all humans and other animals. He likes to work, but doesn't demand it.
Finnick of the Wolfpack, Callname: Rhaegar is a TDR G2 stud dog located in Europ, The Netherlands. His Owner Wesley Wilbrink. I case of request ask the TDR for contact information.
Furry Road Elvis, callname Rajah is a TDR approved G1 Tamaskan stud dog. He is located in France. For mating requests please contact owner or breeder Furry Road.